Ever had a moving Sunday worship only to wake up Monday feeling the pressure to do it all again? Join the discussion.
Add/edit a post to get the conversation started. Tell us a bit about yourself and your interest/experience in worship.
0Planning a Sunday Worship
Well planned, heart driven, creative, diverse, sensitive, spirit led, engaging, God-focused. Let's help each other out.
0House Church Worship
How can we facilitate connecting worship when we're in small groups?
0Technology in Worship
Using technology to help our times of worship
0Building Worship Teams
Building worship teams that help a church in worship requires skill to discover talents and nurture hearts.
0Skills Gifts & Motivation
Let's talk about our skills, gifts, and motivations when it comes to worship.
0Memorable Worship Experiences
Here let's share about those unique moments of worship we have been blessed to experience.
0My Listening Journal
Welcome! Have a look around and join the conversations.